Quick, what can you do with an NFL sized football, a BG Falcons blanket, some duct tape, and a study break? THIS:
Why you ask? I in turn challange you to answer the question "why not?". But, for those of you who still want to know why. This is why:
- It was ridiculously fun. Seriously, we had guys from down the hall come try it out, I kicked (that is my roommate), I did comentary on the camera, and most importantly, nobody got hurt. "GREAT SUCCESS" (Borat 2007).
- It was something that fulfilled two basic needs: What to do during a study break. And how to fulfill my Roomie's innate desires to kick a football and to remain indoors. I had only the latter desire but did need the study break. Plus, it was a rough week and it turns out that sometimes, kicking things is a good way to get out some frustration.
- It was something that we could do that we knew would be fun and that we knew would probably get people in the hall at least interested in something other than the restroom, the water fountain, and dumping their recycling. Socially, the floor is a bit bereft saving my roommate and I and a couple other people. They call my building and the ajoining one "The Lonely Towers". Anything that I can do to garner some sort of social stiumlation I feel is my obligation to do.
- On a side note, I went to Wendy's the other night and...they were out of chicken all together. No nuggets, no breaded, no grilled, no "homestyle". Nothing. Now, I ask you, how does a fast food place on a campus of 21,000 students run out of chicken? The answer is simple. It doesn't. This is clearly a conspiracy while Wendy's brass figures out how to do one of the following things: 1. Make the sandwiches appear to be different. Or 2. actually makes an effort to not have the same chicken sandwich on the menu twice at two different prices, under two different names. For their sake, I hope it is the latter. I shall keep you abreast of developments as they come in.
- I would like to thank the unreasonably obnoxious Screaming Preacher who hollers at the top of his lungs outside the union for ruining my english class today. First of all, I don't care about anything he is saying. At all. Not even a little bit. Second of all, why the yelling? Third of all, what the fuck were people sitting 20 feet away from him listening for? Seriously, if I can hear the guy 200 yards away why do they need to be like...on top of him? All of you stop it or you are grounded. For being obnoxious.
Peace, Love, Hoops.
"abreast"--chicken. ha ha. I got it.
second--the preachers are coming way early, it seems to me. way back in the mesozoic era when i went to bg, they came during spring, i thought. then again, my poor memory may be failing me.
third--was a tee in use?
Nance, we used duct tape as a tee.
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