OK, that was some misplaced anger and I apologize for it. I didnt feel like blogging so basically, I didnt do it. Hold your applause until the end of the comebcak tour (March 17th-April 1, 2008. Will be immediately followed by the normal tour.)
- Today I wore a green T-Shirt and an orange fleece. The irony of this did not escape me although it was not my original itnention when I got dressed to do it. I feel like I am bombing myself. My fleece is actually out at my car making sure that when I start it, I explode. In the interim, my T-Shirt is shotgunning cans of Guiness, Bailey's, and Whiskey. The irony there, that drink is called an Irish Car Bomb. Perfect.
- So my diet went to the shitter over Spring Break in North Myrtle. I drank a lot, ate too much, laid around and had a good time. Really, the most active thing I did was climb the stairs at the multi-level putt-putt place we went to. That and throw the football around the beach and try to hit shit with it. Good times.
- That's about all for now. More to come soon. Promise.
and you didn't even tell me you had started back up again. everyone asked me where my green was all day on st. paddy's. i hate that crap. i have no green and i hate how phony it all is. bfd.
Don't you love how there's thirteen bazillion putt-putt places near Myrtle Beach?
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