OK, that was some misplaced anger and I apologize for it. I didnt feel like blogging so basically, I didnt do it. Hold your applause until the end of the comebcak tour (March 17th-April 1, 2008. Will be immediately followed by the normal tour.)
- Today I wore a green T-Shirt and an orange fleece. The irony of this did not escape me although it was not my original itnention when I got dressed to do it. I feel like I am bombing myself. My fleece is actually out at my car making sure that when I start it, I explode. In the interim, my T-Shirt is shotgunning cans of Guiness, Bailey's, and Whiskey. The irony there, that drink is called an Irish Car Bomb. Perfect.
- So my diet went to the shitter over Spring Break in North Myrtle. I drank a lot, ate too much, laid around and had a good time. Really, the most active thing I did was climb the stairs at the multi-level putt-putt place we went to. That and throw the football around the beach and try to hit shit with it. Good times.
- That's about all for now. More to come soon. Promise.